Friday, August 10, 2012

A Small Tornado has Inhabited Our Home

Meet Oliver Twist Barnes, the newest member of the Barnes household. Oliver was born on March 23, 2012, is now just over 4 months old, and as of August 9, 2012, weighed 5 lbs 13 oz.  We adopted him on July 24, 2012.

Oliver had been fostered in a good home through AC PAW, a shelter in Antrim County. I found him at PetSmart where he was being housed in the Kitty Complex. He made it known in no uncertain terms that he wanted out - NOW! Of course, I complied and here he is. He and Daisy often share this "blankie". Daisy is a good caregiver.

Daisy, Oliver, and Ayla are all napping together.  Then there is Molly, napping at the same time as the others but chose to be a couch potato.

We had planned on calling Oliver Ollie. However, every time we called Ollie Molly came running. We soon learned that we were either going to have to change Oliver's name or call him "Oliver".  We did consider calling him Mr. T (Trouble) but didn't want to give him a complex. :D  

When Oliver is up and moving he is nothing short of a bolt of greased lightning.  Oliver gets along well with all but Ayla who, after our loss of Emily, thought she was going to be an only kitty child. She hisses, growls and swats at Oliver but does nothing to try and hurt him. In turn, Oliver acts the part of a typical little brother as he teases and provokes her.